Saturday, October 29, 2022

An Impossible Task

"It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares who gets the credit."

Culture is a keystone to continuity. Everyone can't become a great player, but everyone can be a great teammate.

Steve Kerr was architect of the four championships of the Golden State Warriors, building off three themes - culture, mindset, and mentors. "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." 

Coach Scott Celli and his staff give out awards at the end of the season. Defining a Most Improved Player is an impossible task with numerous deserving candidates.  

Melrose notes: Priorities exist. Delivery of the frozen cookie dough is underway. 

Gia Vlajkovic finished the season as the ML12 kills leader with Chloe Gentile and Sadie Jaggers in the top ten. 

Ruth Breen captured the unofficial "assist title," cracking five hundred in a monumental achievement. 

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