Friday, October 28, 2022

Advice from a Legendary Basketball Coach That Works for Volleyball

Take the best from everyone you meet and leave the rest. 

Coaching has universal truths. Here are some from former Indiana coach Bob "The General" Knight via Don Meyer's website. 

Knight coached three NCAA basketball champions. He is a polarizing figure, a brilliant tactician and teacher - and a hothead. 

We try to get our players to play intelligently. A key to that is getting them to understand not just that something works but why. 

A coach needs to understand the strengths and weaknesses of every player who plays for him, and make them understand too. 

Emerson said, "Nothing great is ever accomplished without enthusiasm." 

Kids will be satisfied with what you tolerate.

You are trying to get players to understand that how they play is a lot more important than whether or not they win. 

Winning is a byproduct of preparation and work at practice.

Here are kids who work as a team, they're good students, and they show that good students can win.

The only obligation you have to have to your players is that they know you are starting the best lineup you have. 

We don't have to have the best talent to win. 

I've never expected anyone, including players, to agree with all that I do. But to the absolute best of my ability, I've tried to provide them with a work ethic, and ability to excel at crucial times, and a determination to be as good as they could be at whatever they do.

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