Thursday, September 22, 2022

Trust Building

Getting on the court demands trust. It's not 'rec ball'. High performance earns trust. 

Trust underpins all relationships. It's hard to build and easy to damage. We know it when we feel it. But defining, measuring, and developing trust is tough.

Trust exposes vulnerability. "Trust is a confident engagement with the unknown." Risk tolerance differs among people. Esther Perel says that microrisks including sharing something private about ourselves or others or asking for something.  

Rebuilding trust is a subset. The violation of trust generates different responses, "how did you think I would respond?" People want others to "show up" for them, to have their back. 

So, the question is, "how can I earn the coaches' trust?"

  • Listen and be fully engaged. That includes verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Play hard. 
  • Play together. Be a good teammate whatever your role. 
  • Develop consistency (skill) through extra repetitions.
Burlington is up today. 

Burlington opponents:

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