Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Process Covers the Whole Package, Including the "Bruce Jenner Protocol"

Dr. Fergus Connolly is one of my favorite authors because he prioritizes process. Process and habits get results. 

 Care for 'the machine'. In the Navy (long ago), we learned about the "Bruce Jenner protocol" what it took to win an Olympic championship and to maximize function in patients with lung disease. 

  1. Exercise. Train your body. 
  2. Rest. Recover both physically and mentally. Get at least eight hours of sleep. LeBron James gets twelve. 
  3. Diet. Fuel the machine. You wouldn't put garbage in a sports car. 
  4. Supplements (medications). Optimize your general health. 
  5. Have championship motivation. Everyone needs a reason. 
It's not enough to work hard. Recover. 

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