Monday, September 12, 2022

The Blocker, Focus on Rachel Johnson (2012)

The "Big 6" skills in volleyball are:

  • Serving 
  • Digging 
  • Setting 
  • Passing
  • Attacking
  • Blocking 
Each works with others to attack or to defend. Blockers score, keep balls alive, intimidate attackers and take pressure off the back row by slowing an opponent's attack.  

Blockers excel individually and in pairs. Although elite size helps, Melrose had elite blockers whose timing set them apart, like Rachel Johnson. 

Rachel wasn't 'just' a blocker. She progressed as an offensive force and became a key scorer during the State Championship run. 

When studying blockers, look at their footwork, hand position and angles, and their timing relative to the attack. Consider watching video using the settings button set to half-speed and turn the volume off. 

Watch the timing of the jump relative to the swing. 

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