Tuesday, December 28, 2021

All-Time Statistical Leaders

Statistics aren't everything, but they provide context to decision-making and history. 

Here are Melrose all-tme leaders

As more players start younger and come to high school more skilled, statistics are improving. But a few "old timers" are still on the list. 

Scoring also changed from time to time: 

2000-2001 - regular season 2 sets out of 3, 15 points,  tourney 3 of 5, 15 points 
2002-2004 - regular season 2 sets of 3, 30 points,  tourney 3 of 5, 30 points
2005 on - current system, 3 of 5, 25 points (except for fifth set, 15 points)

Monday, December 27, 2021

Success Comes in Many Forms

Most players in the volleyball program experience a lot of team success and winning. Since 2003, teams have won nine sectional championships and many top players have experienced that.

One of the fiercest, toughest, most skilled did not, but is one of the most successful, having been All-State and continuing to succeed in graduate school. 

Ask ourselves whether we are doing the right things to succeed. Success is about more than winning. 


Saturday, December 18, 2021

"Never Read a Person by Their Book"

Coach Celli has the team read and study a book together. There's a principle called cognitive dissonance. That embodies being conflicted about a topic. 

Urban Meyer expresses that. He accomplished a lot in coaching, but has proven to have major shortcomings. 

But his book, "Above the Line" is exceptional. Here's a link to a pdf summary


E + R = O   (Event + Response = Outcome)

10-80-10  (How players fall on a continuum)

"Escape velocity"

"Crossing the red line" 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

Know Your Competition...Sometimes It's You

Steal shamelessly from every source. MasterClass gives me a world of ideas. 

Steve Martin: 
  • "Love your rivals." We will always have them.
  • "Feed off them." If we don't, they'll eat our lunch. 
Steph Curry: 
  • "Competing with myself, not being complacent." 
  • "My opponent will look small...compared with my expectations."
Serena Williams:
  • Know your opponent...play their weakness.
  • "Don't overhit to a weakness. Mix it up."
  • "Hit the ball to where your opponent is not." 
  • "Know your strengths." 
Garry Kasparov:
  • "Playing chess was not just about winning and losing."
  • "Make a difference...it's about coming up with new ideas, challenging your own excellence."
  • "Making mistakes was like physical pain...I no longer had that appetite for new ideas." 
Thomas Keller: 
  • It's the critical feedback that we learn from the most. 

Steve Martin:
  • "There's always work to be done." 


Sunday, December 12, 2021

More Banquet Snaps

Images courtesy of Jen Gentile. Click to enlarge.

Seniors Autumn Whelan, Ava Burns, Abby Hudson, and Elena Soukos move on.

Captains old and new... Sadie Jaggers, Gia Vlajkovic, Autumn Whelan, Abby Hudson, Elena Soukos, and Chloe Gentile 


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Leadership Is a Shared Responsibility

Coach Scott Celli has a thorough and transparent process to select "official" team leadership. But everyone has leadership responsibility.

Jen Sinkler shares one of my favorite articles on coaching, about legendary Cal Rugby coach Jack Clark.

Here's an excerpt:


Jack Clark: We say that the definition of leadership is the ability to make those around you better and more productive. It’s a skill to us. Leadership isn’t a rank — it’s not only for the coach, it’s not only for the captain, it’s not only for the seniors. It’s a skill. Some guys develop big toolboxes with a lot of leadership skills very early on in their careers. Other guys, even when they’ve been here a while, might not have really comprehensive leadership skills. We’re all trying to get there. In our minds, just like there’s a glossary around the technical side of the game, there’s a glossary around the cultural side of the game. This builds commonalities of values that we all believe.

On this team, the leadership model is open to everybody. For instance, even if you’re a freshman, you have the ability to make those around you better and more productive: Don’t be a distraction, be on time, know your stuff, play hard and well when you’re called on.

I think when we really get it right — and we don’t every year — but when we really get it right, we have a lot of people on this team contributing to the leadership of the team. That gets pretty powerful. That’s magical, almost, to see a bunch of people trying to make each other better and more productive."

All the leadership in the world, by itself, won't produce excellence. Leadership complements athleticism, skill, effort, and resilience. In his book, "Above the Line," Urban Meyer proposes the 10-80-10 model, 10% of the team is at the top, most are in the middle, and 10% is at the bottom. He requires the top 10% to bring a partner to work out... to drag some of the "middle class" to the top. 

As an outsider, I see players who benefit from not only more experience but the formal strength and conditioning program available through the Athletic Department. Take advantage of the services to become your best version. 

Bear Hill Golf Club was a great venue for the annual breakup gathering. (Photo courtesy of Jen Gentile)

Friday, December 10, 2021

Growing as Coaches and Players

Here's a cross-post from my basketball blog. It applies whether we're players, coaches, or professionals in any field, especially the inspiring Gawande video. 

Excellence exacts a price...investing time, money, and thought about  how to improve. 

More Images from the Breakup Dinner

Images courtesy of Jen Gentile and Amanda Jaggers. Click to enlarge. 

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Melrose Volleyball 2021 End of Season Banquet

That's a wrap of the 2021 volleyball season with a celebration of the journey. The Booster Club shared the beautiful Bear Hill Golf Club. Delicious dinner featured chicken fingers, Caesar salad, chicken broccoli ziti, and pasta with red sauce. 

2021 was a special season as the club won the Middlesex League and finished the season 21-3 with another Final Four appearance. 

The ML title was Melrose's fifteenth consecutive and the team reached the Final Four for the ninth time since 2003. 

Coaches Lydia Mays, Ryan Schmitt, and Scott Celli hosted the program and awarded certificates, letters, and special awards. 

Coach Celli announced that Elena Soukos was named a Boston Herald All-Scholastic today, earning her the coveted "Triple Crown" (All-State, Globe, and Herald All-Scholastic). She is in the conversation for inclusion among the top players in Melrose Volleyball history. 

Melrose Varsity Volleyball Awards

Top server - Abby Hudson (won points on about 68% of serves)
Top offensive - Gia Vlajkovic
Top defender - Chloe Gentile
Most improved - Ava Burns
Unsung hero - Sadie Jaggers
MVP - Elena Soukos (also  ML Freedom Division MVP)
Coach's Award - Autumn Whelan

Jen Gentile produced a Melrose Volleyball closing video. 

Players and coaches left touching remarks and roasting for Assistant Ryan Schmitt who is stepping down to be able to spend more time with family. Coach Scott Celli praised Schmitt as the best assistant he's had in thirty years of coaching. 

Finally, Coach Celli described the Captaincy selection process, from Application, to exit interview, team votes, and discussion with school administrators (Principal/AD). 

Incoming captains join Coach Celli with outgoing captains. Team captains for 2022 include future seniors Chloe Gentile and Gia Vlajkovic and rising junior Sadie Jaggers. 

As always, Coach Celli reminded players of future opportunity. All positions are open for competition. 

Many thanks to the boosters for including me in the celebration. 

End of Season Gathering Tonight

Melrose celebrates another inspiring season tonight with their team banquet. 

Coaches recap the season, hand out certificates and other awards, recognize special achievements, and announce the leadership for the coming season. 

"Tradition never graduates."