Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Performing Under Pressure

Professional golfer Lee Trevino said, "Pressure is playing a five dollar Nassau with two dollars in your pocket." 

Pressure and sports are synonymous. Pressure degrades performance with adverse physiologic input from stress hormones and the "rapid response" center of the brain, the amygdala. But athletes can overcome pressure using proven techniques. 

What matters most?

  • Use what works for you. What works for Michael Jordan is irrelevant for you.

Specific suggestions 

  • Controlled breathing. "Box breathing" uses a count of four during inhaling, breath holding, exhaling, and breath holding. 
  • Music for increased activation or calming. 
  • Expansive positioning. "Assuming a big position" lowers stress hormones
  • Mental rehearsal - visualize your previous success plays. "Confidence comes from proven success." 
  • Think NOW. Next play. Play present. Be here now. 
  • Focus on being excited at the opportunity not on outcome. 
  • Mindfulness. (It's a learned skill.) 

Here's a summary I wrote from a few years ago of "Performing Under Pressure." 
And another on "Choking." 

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