Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Drama Queens - You Have the Long Tradition of Melrose Volleyball with You

Note: Tickets are available both online and at the door for tonight's 6 PM match. 

Melrose faces a big challenge tonight in the second round of the All-State playoffs. But Melrose has overcome adversity before. 

Here are some examples from the past. For context, some came before all of the current players were born... 

In the State Championship game of 2005, Melrose rallied from 16-23 and 21-24 to win the third set. Jen Cohane (in retrospect) sustained a concussion during that rally. Adversity is your companion. 

Study former players like Sarah McGowan to see the versatility of their craft. 

Have something extra in your tank... 

Lagniappe (something extra). "Do or do not." 

Lagniappe 2. They say the cost of an Olympic gold medal in figure skating is 20,000 falls. In sport, you will always fall. But champions get back up.

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