Monday, October 04, 2021

These Seeds Are Planted on Hardwood Maple

Peter Gammons began a recent The Athletic column, "The great Roger Angell once wrote of the nature of New Englanders, and of Red Sox fans in particular, that amidst the brightest of summer days, there still exists a Calvinist cloud of self-doubt."

Seeds of doubt grow into mighty oaks in fertile soil. 

They wither and die on hardwood maple. Melrose volleyball has the receipts and when the postseason holiday arrives, you don't sit at the kids' table. 

You don't need a crash course in "how to win" because exceptional teams and players from the past hand that down like family heirlooms. Few great Melrose players have gone through four years without tasting the sectional championship match apple. 

Nobody likes losing but adversity is the winner's companion. Losing helps us appreciate winning and drives us to unrequired work. Nobody sees star players running stadium steps or benching 125 pounds as senior girls.

"The magic is in the work." 

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