Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Notes from Geno Auriemma on Coaching

MasterClass is a tremendous learning resource. Here are brief notes from Coach Geno Auriemma (11 time National Champion, 21 time Final Four coach) about Leadership inGender, Social, & Cultural Issues. 

In my basketball blog today, I share other "one liners" from MasterClass professors. 

Be open. Grab one liners and ideas from others. Great ideas translate across disciplines. 

Jodie Foster - "Have a friend whom you respect read your script." (review your process)

In medicine, surgeon and author Atul Gawande hired a senior surgeon to review his process (come into the operating room) and suggest improvements. This was a humbling experienced for a surgeon, as the profession is filled with outsized egos. Bill Belichick and Nick Saban get together each offseason to swap notes. 

Many of us have watched live or filmed practices of great coaches. Watching the UCONN women practice in Storrs was eye opening regarding the tempo, skill, and competitiveness. 


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