Tuesday, September 28, 2021

MIAA Recommends COVID-19 Vaccination for All Massachusetts High School Athletes

The MIAA Board officially recommends COVID-19 vaccination for all Massachusetts high school athletes. 

As a physician with forty years experience, I share that everyone in my immediate family is fully vaccinated and that my wife and I have had the booster (Pfizer, third shot) six months or more after our initial immunization.  


1) The mRNA vaccines do not alter your DNA. 

2) mRNA vaccines have been in development and use for over thirty years

3) COVID-19 vaccines have reduced cases, hospitalizations, critical illness, and death throughout the world with over 6 BILLION doses administered. 

4) They have not had an adverse effect on either fertility or pregnancy. 

5) Of the last 9,000 deaths in Texas, only 43 occurred in fully vaccinated patients. 

6) The risk of hospitalization for breakthrough cases (vaccinated) is about 3% and the risk for requiring mechanically ventilation (life support) is 0.2% (1 in 500). 

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