Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Making Good Decisions Is Highly Underrated

Times exist when you can "go for it." And other times, I'll call it "get me over" time, you get the ball over the net and keep it in play. Keep the 'possession' alive. 

Effective players know the difference. I won't mention the game from many seasons ago, when a player hit the final point of the match (literally a "get me over" push) into the net. It didn't change history. 

In basketball, about a third of games are decided by two possessions (six points) or fewer. A couple of bad fouls, turnovers, or failed block outs... maybe in the first quarter, come back to bite us. 

Volleyball scoring rewards one team every play, which is why "playing present" matters. You can't allow one play or mistake to bleed into the next. 

This clip from an old classic, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, shows the importance of good decisions. 

Stay focused, make good decisions. 

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