Sunday, August 29, 2021

"Give and Take"

An independent blog, content is strictly the opinion of the author and not the City of Melrose, the Melrose School Department, or the Melrose High School Athletic Department. 

It is great to be part of a team, but it's not enough. Ego tells us to want more to want a bigger role, more recognition, more court time. 

Adam Grant's exceptional book, Give and Take, teaches us that's okay, but get more by giving more. 

"Takers are black holes, they suck energy from the system. The Givers are suns, they inject light around the organization. Givers create opportunities for their colleagues to contribute to a meeting, they listen, even if they disagree, they don’t belittle people."

Givers win through blending altruism with ambition. "Paranoia is caused by people that I call's all about what you can do for me." 

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