All information contained within is solely the opinion of the author. This does not represent the official opinion of the City of Melrose, the School Department, Melrose High School, or the Melrose Athletic Department.
You decide what belongs... quotes, pictures, inspirational messages, autumn's first leaf.
Coach Don Meyer kept three notebooks, one for new basketball information, one for new general information, and a third of appreciation for his wife...which he gave her annually...before starting a new notebook.
In Thinking Volleyball, Coach Mike Hebert shares a few thoughts about his notebook.
Event Management: The Birth of a Resource
I kept a notebook. It included notes on just about everything volleyball
related that I didn’t know enough about or couldn’t do. There were
so many things that I had not thought about as I began the job. What
equipment should I order? How do I scout an opponent and present a
game plan? What about fund-raising?
By the way, our first fund-raiser called for our players to scour the
faculty offices and hallways on Tuesdays to secure sandwich orders.
The sandwiches would be delivered in cardboard boxes to my office on
Wednesday morning. Our players would pick up their orders in time to
make their deliveries by lunchtime. We made 50 cents per sandwich. One
week we took in a whopping total of 58 dollars. I suspect that not many
of today’s active coaches can relate to the bottom-feeding fund-raising
schemes hatched in the old days. Nor was there anything in the notebook that would guide our fund-raising efforts.
Thanks for the note Greatest Volleyball Players