Friday, October 19, 2018

"Always Forward"

The Red Sox won the American League pennant with a simple approach, "win this pitch." Choose your version of playing in the moment. Whether it's "next play" or "be here now" or "right here, right now," focus on doing the next right thing right. 

Few experiences satisfy more than overcoming adversity. Bowdoin Professor Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain won a Congressional Medal of Honor at Gettysburg, holding the southern border with a vicious counterattack at Little Round Top AFTER his troops were out of ammunition. When asked about his military success without formal military education, he said, "I can learn." 

Thomas Edison learned from nearly a thousand lightbulb designs what didn't work. But history remembers him for what worked. 

I share other examples of turning lemons into lemonade from my basketball blog. 

Coach John Wooden preached, "never let what you cannot do prevent you from doing what you can." Always forward. 

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