Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Hidden Opponent

"At practice, you have to perform..."

"1 in 4 people suffer from a mental illness." 

"All of a sudden, I began to feel differently...anxious."

"I was make a mistake."

"I battled depression for half a year...without even knowing I was."

" naturally, I refused the medicine...and my depression worsened."

"Our culture has created this belief that we need to be achieving all the time in order to be happy..."

"I have to learn how to manage my lifestyle..."

"Why did it take me so long to acknowledge and accept my illness?"

"To appear weak is the last thing an athlete wants..."

"I told myself I was weak for wanting a break..."

"In 1952 the New England Journal of Medicine said, "players who have had multiple concussions should stop playing football..." we're treating mental health problems now like we treated concussions in the past." 

Surveys of 100 Division 1 (Pac-12 athletes) 

Be aware of your physical and mental health. 

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