Sunday, September 17, 2017

Search for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

What creates 'sustainable competitive advantage'? It's not enough to believe in yourself; have a process worthy of belief. 

There is no single path. But the journey encompasses the rider (each of us), the elephant (emotion), and the path (the course and obstacles)

Ray Dalio achieved success as both an investor and idea merchant. At Bridgewater, he created an "idea meritocracy" demanding "radical truth" and "radical transparency"

He describes how their culture defeats arrogance and naivete and changes the reference from the autocracy of "I am right" to a meritocracy asking, "how do I know I am right?" 

He addresses the reluctance of individuals to "stress test" their ideas and the impediments to a culture of truth and hard questions - emotion and ego stress. He refers obliquely to the "prospect theory" of Kahneman and Tversky (system 1 and system 2) and the anatomy of decision making, the daily tug-of-war between the frontal cortex and the amygdala. 

If we are interested in developing the best systems of work, play, and relationships, then we communicate and choose better. 

Sustainable competitive advantage follows attention, self-awareness (strengths, weaknesses, progress), and confidence...applied through work.  

Sorted by wins and winning percentage...

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