Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Sand Castles

"The magic is in the work."

Work to become your better version, to impact the game and your teammates...every day. Aristotle reminds us, "excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

A reporter asked Bill Belichick how it feels to inform young players that they made the team. He replied that rosters change a lot between the first week and later in the season. He said that it's a lot like "castles in the sand".

Improve every day. Work on your conditioning, skills, game understanding, and emotional resilience. Have a sense of urgency. Technique and tactics can always improve. Our future depends on "continual ascension". Former Melrose AD and New England Basketball Hall of Fame coach Sonny Lane preached, "I'm pleased but I'm not satisfied." That advice always served his mentees well. 

Embrace "ephemeral". Each practice is short. The season flies by. Your high school career may seem like dust in the wind. Build your castle from sterner stuff.

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