Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Finding Your Voice

"Chance favors the prepared mind." - Pasteur

There's an old story about communication being half of holy relationships. To which the holy man replies, "it is the whole of holy relationships."

One coach insists on 'silent practice' when players don't communicate. The extreme silence is not lost on his team.

Legendary coach Don Meyer shared, "what is unacceptable in defeat is unacceptable in victory." Communication lives on different levels - social, instruction, correction, discipline, and "go nuts". Most game day communication will be instruction and correction. "Speaking greatness" is a wonderful concept. "You can do it that way, but you might find if better to do it this way."

Players have a lot to process - calling the block, calling the ball, asking for a set, setting up slide attacks or quick sets. But it must become habit. There's a saying in the NBA, "silent teams lose."

Leadership is shared experience. Girls, more than boys, can be reluctant to assume leadership because they don't want to seem 'bossy' or 'witchy'. Collective leadership, combined with good followership increases your likelihood of success. The best teams excel at egoless communication. Celtics great Bill Russell, author of 14 championships in 15 years (2 NCAA, Olympic Gold, 11 NBA) remarked, "my ego depends on the success of my team."

Communication raises the collective energy, or "qi" of organizations. And success depends on the four E's - your energy, bringing energy, execution, and edge (emotional toughness).

Great teams show shared leadership and conditional love, the expectation of showing up and doing the next right thing. New leaders rise to the occasion. Find your collective voice and empower your team.

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