Sunday, September 13, 2015

Imagine That

Some people play an imaginary game, "if I ruled the world." There's the guy who said, "If I ruled the world, everyone would have to be nice to cats. And if they didn't, ooh, they'd really have it coming. Pow." Not sure that I want to play THAT game. 

But imagine you had two weeks to prepare for the biggest TEST of your life, be it academic, emotional, athletic, psychological. How would you prepare and whom would you want in your corner? 

Whether we realize it or not, we're always preparing for that challenge. What resources are we using? How do we measure progress? What's your process? 

Whether you couldn't care less about basketball, this cross-post might help. A growth mindset, work ethic, and partnering (collaboration and mentoring) belong in your toolbox. 

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