Friday, November 23, 2012

Lost in Translation

Melrose volleyball fans sometimes hear cryptic commentary about curiosities like "dinosaur digs" or Al Hrabosky. Explanations are due.

At about 50 seconds into the video, you see Hrabosky (back to the hitter), turn and ascend the mound ready to 'serve' (see Amanda Commito). Hrabosky (a.k.a. The Mad Hungarian) was the Cardinals' closer in the early 1970s. 

Libero. A a libero is the backrow defense specialist, they are allowed to sub for any backrow player when the ball isn't in play without previous permission from the refs
Traditional digging drill. 

Melrose's rise parallels improvements at all positions but is readily visible in the back row digging and passing, the "platform skills". 

Cut shots. This is the best video I could find with instruction, although a beach video lesson. Key points are the contact, crossing the net, and landing point. The next generation of Melrose hitters can benefit from learning the cut shot. 

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