Saturday, October 20, 2012

Anatomy of a Kill and More

Fans watch volleyball, but there's more to the "inside game".  A review of player technique illustrates volleyball principles. I have done frame-by-frame analysis and chosen illustrative shots. Click to enlarge shots.

Here's a sequence leading to Jen Cain's kill at the end of set one. Note how she starts her run up near the ten foot line. She takes a right-left step and launches into attack position with the arm swing prepared for impact.

Note how Westborough's big hitter Samantha Kehoe starts even farther back, behind the ten-foot line. The setter has just released the ball and the hitter is gathering momentum. She goes with a right-left-right sequence and launches into the attack, which was blocked.

Here's Sarah McGowan with a middle attack.  Note how Sarah is at the ten-foot line...she makes a classic back arm thrust to prepare to launch (second and third photo) the fifth shot you can see her back arched and arm cocked prepared to attack...this attack also was double blocked.

Now for something different. In set three, Westborough attacks...
The ball is tipped at the net and deflects off a Melrose player. Note Amanda Commito to the right of Jen Cain (10).

With remarkable quickness, she dives to the floor, palm down.

You can see that she makes the "pancake dig" and keeps the ball in play, as it bounces up to about waist high.

Jen Cain is there to clean up and you see the ball (rising blur) as she hits it over the net. You also see the official having already called the point for Westborough. Sometimes the hand is quicker than the eye on the tough calls.

A truly remarkable sequence from Amanda and Jen as neither gave up on the play.

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