Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Junior Varsity Versus Wakefield

Amazingly enough, varsity volleyball players do not spring full grown like Sandro Botticelli's "Birth of Venus".

Often, a lengthy evolution from an introduction to the sport in elementary school, to preliminary instruction in middle school, off-season volleyball in area programs, and an apprenticeship through freshman and junior varsity ensues. While an increasing number are called, far fewer are chosen.

This season, Melrose will graduate seven seniors, and the meritocracy that is sport will call newcomers to the front (and literally) back lines.

Yesterday, Melrose hosted Wakefield in a JV match. Here are some images from a site referred to me from Jeff Mate'. These players are the future of Melrose volleyball. As always, click the image if you are not sure that the whole picture displays.

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