Monday, September 05, 2011

Volleyball Candids

Melrose volleyball traditionally sets its sights on winning the league title, getting to the post-season, winning the Division II North title, and playing in the state championship game. Obviously, that's a tall order.

Good process dictates a chance at good outcome. Melrose has relied on excellent coaching, community enthusiasm and support, improving infrastructure and offseason play,

The team has a veteran core, with talented players at each year level (sophomore to senior)

 Brooke Bell keys the offense as setter.
Brittany Adelman is healthy and hitting.
Jen Cain is a top defender at the opposite spot.
Sophomore Maeve Moriarty competes for time at setter.
The coaching staff is amped up already.
Rachel Johnson has improved her hitting to go along with solid blocking.
Cassidy Barbaro looks to get more time in the back row.
Sydney Doherty competes for time at outside hitter.
Southpaw Kayla Wyland plays tall with a long reach at the net.
Sarah McGowan has a strong all-around game and could be the next big hitter in Melrose history.
Amanda Commito returns from season-ending knee surgery and is a force in the back row.
Alyssa DiRaffaele is a libero with a potent serve.
Sophomore Jill MacInnes looks to translate energy into playing time.
Jill Slabacheski is one of Melrose top all-around players.
Rachael Wolley backs up Brooke Bell at setter. 
Maggie Moriarty is another back row player with a potent serve.

At least in the Boston Globe online "Teams to Watch" Melrose wore the Harry Potter invisibility cloak. To be fair, the Lady Raiders got a feature in Globe North.  presents another resource to follow the team.

Photographs courtesy of Don Norris. (more to follow, time permitting)

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