Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 2: Tryout Camp

Sixty-two enthusiastic candidates continued tryouts today for the Melrose volleyball team. Thirty-six upperclassmen and twenty-six freshmen worked out in the sweltering heat of the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School Gymnasium.

The coaches complete Varsity team selection by close of business today and the JV and Frosh team selection by tomorrow.

After tryouts are completed, the players receive handouts with the scrimmage, regular season, and complete practice schedule, and the rules and requirements for participation. Players and families will also receive information on the annual "meet and greet" with the coaches. Coach Scott Celli and his staff have always set out a clear set of policies and expectations for the players and participation implies full compliance.

The coaches review the Melrose High School standards for "chemical health", hazing prohibition, and other important information for players. The coaches have high expectations for this year's teams, and with an experienced and deep squad those expectations set the bar high.

With the large numbers of girls trying out and the quality of the players participating, inevitably some will be disappointed. There is an old saying that applies, "never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." Melrose High School provides a rich diversity of both athletic and other activities, and students have lots of opportunities to be involved.

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