Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Theory and Practice

"In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is." - Yogi Berra

I don't coach volleyball, but often coach basketball. My favorite part of coaching? Practice. Practice allows the introduction and review of fundamentals and concepts, as well as the teaching of the philosophy of 'how we play'. Coaches want a team on the floor that reflects their unique approach. The three games a week, short volleyball season means not nearly enough practice time for positive reinforcement.

Although we can't look into Coach Scott Celli's mind, let's imagine that he welcomed the practice time since Friday's lesson. I expect a hungrier, enthusiastic Melrose team to take the floor tomorrow against Winchester.

Melrose has a chance to generate some momentum headed into the playoffs, as well as heal up some of the inevitable nicks that accompany a season.

A large and enthusiastic crowd never hurts.
Note how the defense has pushed forward as Athena hits against Winchester.
Melrose's two-headed monster, Sarah McGowan and Rachel Johnson.
Athena and her mates look to get a new winning streak established tomorrow at the Middle Veterans Memorial School Gymnasium.

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