Saturday, September 25, 2010

More on Hitting

Now that you've had your Japanese refresher course, we'll look back in time to a couple of effective Melrose hitters from the past.  You have to click on the photos to get the full view.

First: Jen Cohane

2004 D2 North Championship. Amanda Hallett prepares the set. Note Jen is just behind the attack line.
The ball is near its apex, and Jen has taken one step forward in her approach.
She has taken the second step and started her jump.
Here her arm swing is about at contact. Good balance and going to have down contact with ball.
Here's another sequence, with Karen Sen in the middle, the free ball has just come over the net and she is preparing to get into hitting position.
She has both feet set (alternatively could be walking into the shot), awaiting the set.
Amanda has the ball and Karen is in an athletic position ready to approach.
With her first power step, she has the arms back preparing to launch into the jump. This is the more classic approach.
She has completed the second step and into the arm swing strike.
She is contacting the ball high enough over the net to reduce the chance of an effective double block from the middle.
The ball has escaped the block and is en route to the floor.

The point isn't that everyone has to be a 'cookie cutter' image, but effective hitters will:
  • have a consistent approach
  • generate enough height such that the ball crosses the net at enough height to decrease the chance of a successful block. The back arm swing can help launch the attack. 
  • hit down enough to both keep the ball in the court and ideally in front of the back row
For parents who have the DVDs of the games, I recommend playback with frame by frame analysis so that players can actually see what they are doing. Sometimes what you are doing and what you think you are doing are not congruous. Media Player Classic Home Cinema is one free program that allows this, although I'm sure others do as well. 

An FYI. On this week's "Let's Talk Sports", Ralph and Ron will discuss some important issues concerning high school athletes. 

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