Sunday, September 20, 2009

Volleyball 101

Most of us haven't grown up around volleyball and don't know all the terminology, rules, and even some of the basics of how to "bump", set, and spike. That doesn't mean we can't learn.

Here's a list of some volleyball terms and 'geography'.

We'll try to add some videos (off the web) to give more basic information. Here's a few videos on attacking, passing, and the "short set" or "1 ball". Upper echelon (college/international) volleyball uses the short set to defeat powerful blockers and compensate for lack of height. Melrose has had some big hitters in the past, but note that in many parts of the country, players are learning skills at much younger ages.

Here's an intro.

And the 'jump set'...shorter than the fountains.

And the initial pass to set up the play.

And the 'short set'...or 'quick set'. The quick set comes in at about 3:15. With the right technique, this can be devastating.

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