Thursday, October 23, 2008

Melrose-Masco Volleyball Photos

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As I type, Melrose faces perennial state champion Barnstable in Hyannis, and courtesy of Don Norris, we have some photographs of the recent 3-0 match against Masco. Masco did themselves proud with some solid defense and net play, but Melrose used superior passing in their best serve-receive game I have seen to overcome."Nothing great is accomplished without enthusiasm." Where do we start a successful program? Community. "It takes a village to raise a child." A big crowd turned out for Senior Night, to recognize the hard work and dedication that produce excellence, year after year.

Melrose presented a flower and balloon to each Masco senior and several teammates briefly share their thoughts on the contributions of the honoree. Here Hannah Brickley (L), Laura Irwin, and Colleen Hanscom do the honors.
Senior Tri-Captain Kelly O'Neill has steadily improved her game not only this season but throughout the past four. Here she is recognized along with parents Buddy and Barbara O'Neill.
Kelly helps anchor the defense, so critical as most offense in volleyball begins with defense.
Kelly surely had the largest numbers of signs in Melrose volleyball history.
Athena Ziavras goes for the tip while Colleen looks on.
Here Athena is in striking position
Kelly does the bump while Jess Farr (L) and Laura look on.
Melrose and Masco give post-game tribute to each other.
Not every moment in volleyball goes cheerfully. Here Jess (22), Colleen (14), and Jill Slabachesky don't look happy about how the ball bounced.
Annemarie Wiesen (I do occasionally spell it right...I think) has quietly had a terrific season, blocking, serving, setting, and playing opposite.


  1. Interesting to examine that,Melrose faces perennial state champion,also the pictures are just brilliant to watch.

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  2. Interesting to examine that,Melrose faces perennial state champion,also the pictures are just brilliant to watch.

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