Saturday, October 07, 2006

Photo Essay: Melrose Tops North Andover

The Lady Raiders have enjoyed a solid first half of the season, making the turn with eight wins and two losses amidst their toughest stretch of the regular season.

Junior Gina Ciccone goes high to deliver a kill. Gina brings a lot of experience to the Lady Raiders.


Junior Leslie Hirschfeld uses her height to advantage spiking one back to the Knights. Getting on top of the ball presents a critical challenge for optimal hitting.


Leslie and Gina combine for a "double block".


Gina has served consistently since starting last season as a sophomore.


Melrose doesn't travel alone, with great community support from parents, the "Back Row Boys", and volleyball fans.


Senior Defender Sam Hamel digs out a North Andover spike.


Effective play requires great coordination, communication, and teamwork. You can see the Lady Raiders focused to defend as the spike goes across the net.


Freshman Hannah Brickley has provided vital offense and net defense for the Lady Raiders. Gina, Lauren, Laura Dillon, and Taylor Pearson prepare for action.


From left, Leslie, Nicole Glavin, Allie Brussard, and Sam Hamel look on. That Vitamin Water must be good.


The Lady Raiders remain close on and off the court. Here Laura Dillon gets props from Nicole Glavin.


The team takes a breather between games. From left, Leslie (22), "L Dill", Taylor Pearson (1), Kelsey (18), and Nicole Glavin (13).


Parental involvement means a lot in school and in sports. Taylor's Mom was Melrose's "Basketball Mother of the Year" and has supported volleyball with equal enthusiasm.


Gina Ciccone brings intensity to the court in volleyball and basketball, as well as to the field for Melrose softball.


Senior Kelsey Quinn is one of Melrose's best servers and defenders.


Melrose faces always tough Lynnfield Tuesday at the Roosevelt School Gymnasium.

Photographs courtesy of Melrose's Don Norris, experienced volleyballer and USVBA official.

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